About DHF

The Driver Health and Fitness Program is here to provide you with the resources, programs, and tools to help you live healthier lives whether you're driving or at home. The tools and resources we give our drivers are specifically made to be done in the trucking environment in the limited time frames you have available each day. Our goal is to give you realistic and achievable options that you can use to reach your health goals.

Our Mission

To provide innovative, engaging, and accessible wellness programs focused on improving the health, safety, and fitness level of the Prime driving fleet.

Our Vision

To build a culture of health and wellbeing by engaging our driving associates in wellness programs that support their journey to a healthier lifestyle.

Our Staff


Colby Hughes

DHF Coordinator

Contact Colby
Office: 417-521-3473
Email: cjhughes@primeinc.com


Rachel Dreher

DHF Dietitian Nutritionist BS, RDN, LD

Contact Rachel
Office: 417-521-3845
Email: rdreher@primeinc.com


Matt Judy

Salt Lake City Trainer BS, NSCA CSCS, NSCA Personal Trainer

Contact Matt
Office: 801-515-7256
Email: mjudy@primeinc.com


Maria Godfrey

Pittston, PA Personal Trainer, Masters and Bachelors degree

Contact Maria
Email: mgodfrey@primeinc.com

Driver Health and Fitness - Johanna Norsic

Johanna Norsic

Springfield, MO Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Yoga Instructor

Contact Johanna
Email: jnorsic@primeinc.com