Paul dickson
program: company driver wellness program
I began working for Prime in 2019 and weighed 247 pounds with a blood pressure of 134/80 when I went through orientation. Fast forward to April of 2020, at the age of 64, and my DOT physical numbers showed I now weigh 207 pounds and my blood pressure dropped to 120/62!!
Prime's Company Driver Wellness Program has provided me with constant access to advice, resources, and feedback from the DHF team on diet, exercise, and many other elements of physical and mental health. As a result of using the program my improved health has provided the stamina and focus to drive more miles, complete more loads ahead of schedule, and enjoy home time with family. Would highly recommend this program to all my fellow drivers out there!!

Katherine poteat
I joined DHF not long after getting my own truck because I didn't want to gain weight out on the road. While the 13 week program worked, the new DHF is wonderful! Everything you need is available...meal planning, exercise routines that are doable as a driver, and most importantly, the moral support and encouragement you need to push forward when you don't really want to. I highly suggest every driver get involved!!

Lorrie knapp
program: DHF program
I came to Prime in January of 2014 and currently work in the Reefer division. I was solo for 3 years, did TNT for a few months, and then went team in January 2017. In November 2015 I had a heart attack on the road. To recover I went home and got off the road for about 4 months. When I got back on the road I had several complications from the excess weight I had put on. One being that my legs hurt so bad that I would be tears just on the walk from the fuel island to the bathroom. That's when I started to focus on my health. I started a whole foods plant based approach and in just two weeks the pain was gone! I am still amazed today at how fast this happened. To be able to walk across a parking lot without looking for a light pole to sit at is a wonderful thing! Now, I'm down 52 pounds since my journey began!

blenda dunn
program: company driver wellness program
In January of 2020 I chose to see my doctor because I was experiencing some stress, anxiety, and pain and felt something was just not right. Long story short, I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic and was in the early stages of osteoarthritis. Both of which would end my dream of driving if I didn't take action fast. That's when I began to participate in DHF and the CDWP. The support I've received from the DHF staff, and more specifically, Sarah, has been a huge influence on the successes I've been able to achieve. I lost a lot of weight, I'm no longer pre-diabetic, and my osteoarthritis symptoms have lessened as well. The lifestyle changes I've made have given me more confidence than anyone can imagine. I know now that I can control my health issues and its up to me if I want to be healthy or not.