Fit in 15

Week 11 Nutrition Goals

Your goal for Week 11 is to revisit a goal from the previous weeks that you still want to reach! You should be signing up for a last nutrition call this week. If you are struggling with meeting any of the goals discussed so far, make sure to bring that up in the call and we can help with problem solving!

Scroll to see the playlists of recipes and choose your meals from those this week or follow the week's specific meal plan, playlist, and grocery list

  • Have you reached goal 1- avoiding calorie containing beverages? Revisit that list of flavorful but low calorie beverages in week 1 outlook.
  • In week 1 we discussed the Plate Method and My fitness pal app. Have you tried using either method?
  • Starting in week 1 we focused on grocery shopping and cooking from the truck. Have you tried making at least one meal in your truck? Have you had any barriers getting to the grocery store?
  •  Week 2 had another goal of using the Eating Out Tip sheet at a restaurant and picking at least 2 tips when ordering. If you didn't try those go back to week 2 and screenshot that tip sheet!
  • Weeks 2 & 3 discussed balanced snack choices at a truck stop- whew that one can be hard! Snacks can make or break your weight loss goals!
  • Or you could also use the Balanced Snack list from week 4 to guide you in stocking up on snack choices at the grocery store.
  • Week 4 we discussed reading the nutrition labels to help you be more aware of what you are putting in your body.
  • Goal for week 5 was to educate yourself on your family history of illness/disease. This is important information that can be a great motivator to help you make lasting nutrition habits that will help you to avoid those family ties to chronic diseases

Breakfast playlist

Lunch or dinner no cooking required recipes

Lunch or dinner recipes microwave required

Week 11 recipe playlist

And here's your sample menu and grocery list:

Week 11 menu

Remember to check what you have before you buy all of these items! A lot of the ingredients in here rollover from week to week

Week 11 grocery list

Grocery delivery

If you need help on learning how to use Instacart click here


 watch the video below.