
Try our On-Site Fitness Classes in Pittston

Pittston, PA Classes

(All Classes Held 12:30-1pm EST)

Monday – Full Body Workout

  • A 30 minute workout filled with either 30 different exercises, exercises that are 30 seconds in length, or 30 reps of an exercise. Either way a great full body workout!

Tuesday – Lower Body and Core

  • A workout focused on lower body and core. Lots of squats, deadlifts, lunges, and core exercise, just to name a few.

Wednesday – Circuit Training Workout

  • Stations workout. Ten different stations using weights, bands, bodyweight, ball slams, whatever our heart desires. First round is 30 seconds at each station. Second round is 45 seconds at each station with surprise cardio in between!

Thursday – Upper Body and Core

  • A workout focused on upper body and core. Overhead presses, pushups, curls, and core-just to name a few exercises.

Friday – Restorative Stretching and Yoga

  • A class designed to slow down and stretch. Often times we forget that the stretch is just as important as any other exercise.This class focuses on different stretches and yoga poses.

The hardest step is always the first step. It's time to act!