Gates/Moto Me

Kevin Grimes

Deciding to commit to living a healthy lifestyle can be difficult, and as an OTR Truck Driver, it is even more challenging. Having a community of like-minded, goal-oriented people who support our healthy ambitions is proven to increase our likelihood of success. The DHF program is building precisely that! A place in the trucking industry where we can begin to learn to heal our bodies and meet people who want to live a better quality of life over the road. Trucker’s are continuously forgotten by the Health and Wellness communities, and we deserve to be in the conversation. Gas station nutrition, and next to zero environment resources, just does not cut it. A practical solution to increasing Commercial Truck Driver health is critical because trucking is one of the most unhealthy jobs in the United States, the transportation industry has a direct link to every American’s wellbeing, and poor driver health increases the risk of roadway accidents. Start today, join the conversation. Get MOTOvated!”