Katherine Poteat

Kevin Grimes

I joined DHF not long after getting my own truck because I didn’t want to gain weight out on the road. While the 13 week program worked, the new DHF is wonderful! Everything you need to be successful is available…meal planning, exercise routines that are doable, and most importantly, the moral support and encouragement you need to push forward when you don’t really want to. I highly suggest every driver get involved!!

Kenyatta Wells

Kevin Grimes

My name is Ken Wells aka Mr. Fitness. When I first started my journey to become a healthy trucker it wasn’t easy, but I did the best I could with little support. In the past few years the DHF Program has been a big help in providing me with sincere concern for my health and well being. The DHF team provides healthy food options while on the road, and they will even help you with exercise plans that are centered around using just your body weight. This is great, because it’s not easy trying to figure out what type or how much equipment you’re able to store securely. I’ve done so well with getting myself back on track towards a healthy lifestyle. I was honored when asked to join the DHF TASK FORCE. If you ever see me working out anywhere and you have a question, I’ll be happy to answer.

Danny Crisp

Kevin Grimes

Let’s earn the dirt!

Justin Surface

Kevin Grimes

I started this fitness journey on the road because after a few years of eating horribly and not exercising at all, I decided that I wasn’t going to become a victim of this industry by letting it ruin my health and quality of life. The DHF program at Prime is an excellent tool to use. Great recipe ideas and effective on the road workouts. If I can be a resource and help other drivers stay healthy, I’m all for it. As far as my health motto goes, “I’d rather put in work now, so I won’t have to suffer later in life.

Gates/Moto Me

Kevin Grimes

Deciding to commit to living a healthy lifestyle can be difficult, and as an OTR Truck Driver, it is even more challenging. Having a community of like-minded, goal-oriented people who support our healthy ambitions is proven to increase our likelihood of success. The DHF program is building precisely that! A place in the trucking industry where we can begin to learn to heal our bodies and meet people who want to live a better quality of life over the road. Trucker’s are continuously forgotten by the Health and Wellness communities, and we deserve to be in the conversation. Gas station nutrition, and next to zero environment resources, just does not cut it. A practical solution to increasing Commercial Truck Driver health is critical because trucking is one of the most unhealthy jobs in the United States, the transportation industry has a direct link to every American’s wellbeing, and poor driver health increases the risk of roadway accidents. Start today, join the conversation. Get MOTOvated!”

Ed LaPlante

Kevin Grimes

I’m a 61 year old, full-time, OTR team driver and competitive obstacle course racer. I started racing after I started driving. My first race was in 2014, and ALL my training is done in or around the truck. Truck stops and rest areas are where I end up training, almost never in a gym. I wasn’t even athletic before I started driving. I’m in better shape now than I’ve ever been. I just started slow and kept at it, CONSISTENTLY.