If you have ever enjoyed the fajita pasta from the Northstar grille at SPRIMO then give this recipe a shot! It is a modified version of that recipe that requires only 1 refrigerated ingredient! Cook this in a 3qt instapot or in a pot on the stove or hot plate.
Instapot shrimp Thai curry
Tastes like its from a restaurant! Pick the curry paste according to your taste. Use whatever veggies you have on hand!
Crockpot or instapot green curry
Minimal prep time required to make this creamy curry in your crockpot. Make with any type of protein! We used a tofu block cut into chunks, but you could also use chicken breasts or thighs, or a chopped cut of pork or beef. Serve over rice or quinoa. Try with your choice of veggies such as broccoli, napa cabbage, bok choy, green beans, etc. Can also use yellow or red curry paste if you like those flavors more.