If you have ever enjoyed the fajita pasta from the Northstar grille at SPRIMO then give this recipe a shot! It is a modified version of that recipe that requires only 1 refrigerated ingredient! Cook this in a 3qt instapot or in a pot on the stove or hot plate.
Breakfast suprise
Check out this recipe from Prime driver Andrew! Andrew runs team or trains a student and has found that cooking on his truck is a great way to be healthy OTR. It's a "surprise" because you throw whatever veggies you have on hand in it so it can turn out different every time. This is a meal prep recipe that should last you a week or so and you'll need a large container or multiple containers to store it.
Sheet-pan fajita bowls
Throw all of the ingredients onto a pan and you've got a quick, nutrient dense dinner. If you do cook this in Galanz, divide ingredients in half to cook in two rounds or half the recipe.
Instant Pot Chicken Burrito Bowl
Throw together this Chipotle-like burrito bowl in under 25 minutes for a balanced, protein and fiber packed meal prep recipe. Top with sour cream/greek yogurt, cheese, gauc, or salsa.